Veteran Hypnosis Services

Everyday life in America can provide difficult obstacles to manage. Imagine a situation where your job or career puts your life at risk every day! We offer veteran services, to accommodate the extraordinary contributions these brave men and women make every day of their lives. The trauma military personnel experience and bring back with them, commonly leave scars that run deep and are in desperate need of attention. Unfortunately, government and veteran services fall short in offering assistance to our veterans, and many veterans don’t seek help for what they are dealing with outside of veteran’s services. The list of issues can be long and difficult yet are common among our veterans. They need to know they are not alone, and that there is real help available. Hypnosis may be the tool for managing these obstacles.

Misconceptions that many military personnel have about hypnosis

  •  I can’t be hypnotized, because I’m too strong-minded.

Military personnel often believe this, because they are trained to be strong-willed and disciplined individuals. Hypnosis works when you want it to work. In other words, if you choose to use hypnosis for your own benefit, it will work for you. Then and only then, the very same strong, disciplined mind  will provide you with the means to free yourself from suffering, and find new avenues to peace of mind. Because of self-discipline and a strong will, military personnel are great candidates for the successful use of hypnosis.

  •  Hypnosis is used by quacks, and I’m not crazy!

Mental health is often looked at with suspicion, not to mention that hypnosis is often misunderstood by the general public. Lack of education and understanding of the subject leaves most people suspicious of its merits. First, Hypnosis is a scientifically proven treatment approved by the American Medical Association since 1958. Second, needing help to heal from deep traumas experienced in extreme situations does not make you weak or crazy. Getting help for these traumas is no different than seeking aid for a bullet wound and they are just as life-threatening.

It is important for you to know, that the master hypnotist who created the veteran services for Blooming Lotus Hypnosis is also a combat veteran of the Desert Storm War. He suffered from P.T.S.D. and has counseled veterans for decades, which is why he is so passionate about serving  our veterans.

Veteran Services include:

  • Pain management, for wounds and trauma suffered during combat.

  • Terror/Fear, from wartime experiences.

  • Guilt over wartime actions, and survivor’s guilt.

  • Drug and alcohol addictions.

  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder( PTSD), stress, and anxiety.

We believe our veterans and active service members deserve the best because they gave us their best. Veterans and their family members receive a 20% discount on all services.