Hypnosis for Pain Management

Chronic & Acute Pain

According to the CDC, approximately 50 million adults experience chronic pain, and over 20 million experience acute pain. If you, or someone that you love, are one of those 50 million individuals you’re in the right place. Hypnosis can help you get your life back and give you relief from long-lasting pain. Hypnosis is more than just for smoking cessation, weight loss, or stress reduction. Dealing with acute and chronic pain is one of the areas where hypnosis really shines. All pain is received by the brain. That’s why all pain can be influenced, reduced, and possibly eliminated entirely with hypnosis.

Using Hypnosis for Pain

Hypnosis has been documented and used in the management of pain long before it was researched in present-day scientific studies. During the American Civil War Era hypnosis was widely used to control pain as soldiers had limbs amputated on the battlefield. The American Medical Association,(AMA) approved the use of hypnosis in 1958, and it is now commonly used in hospitals, clinics, and dental offices throughout the United States as an acceptable means of acute and chronic pain management. Surgery and Dental treatments are just a few applications for hypnosis and acute pain relief.

Chronic pain from injuries, phantom limb pain, spinal pain, and pain from effects of diabetes have been successfully addressed providing long-term and permanent relief without the application of narcotics or other drugs. There are many useful applications for other causes of discomfort and pain such as fibromyalgia or relieving the pain of getting a tattoo. Your hypnotist is able to discuss your concerns and determine if hypnosis pain management is right for you. Safely conducted, beneficial hypnosis sessions for medical procedures require a hypnotist that is certified to work on pain. The hypnotists at Blooming Lotus hypnosis meets these requirements and continues to grow through education and training.

Hypnosis Can Help with Many Different Types of Pain

Here is a short list of how hypnosis can help you get your life back and evaluate the pain you may be experiencing. If you want help with something that is not listed below please contact us to see how we may help you. Our services require a medical referral from your attending physician if you are in physical therapy and/or taking prescription medications for pain relief.

  • Migraines

  • Chronic (long-term) pain

  • Acute (sudden) pain

  • Phantom limb pain

  • Spinal pain

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Nerve pain

  • Dental pain

  • Help recover from surgery

  • Pain from effects of diabetes

  • Pain from effects of cancer

While individual results may vary, our clients find the best results when they regularly practice the pain management techniques learned during hypnotherapy.